E-Postcard #6: Tide pooling anyone?
A tide pool walk along the Cape Peninsula is an amazing experience! Patrick Cardwell, our South African guide and a naturalist in the classic tradition, opened our eyes to an extraordinary world. None of my images have been color-enhanced. Southern Africa has a particularly rich marine fauna and flora, with over 12,000 species, or almost 6% of all coastal marine species known worldwide.
Driving along the spectacular Atlantic coastline, I was reminded of Sir Francis Drake’s description of the Cape of Good Hope on his global voyage in 1580 as “the fairest Cape…in the whole circumference of the earth.”

Cape sea urchins are as colorful as wildflowers

Dwarf cushion-star (wonderful camouflage)

Granular cushion-star

Sandy anemone (colors very variable, but the blue color is unusually beautiful)

Pincushion star (the black spots are tubercles; feeds mostly on corals)

Sponge-encrusted triton
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That is a very nice collection of images. We are impressed with the high quality and diversity of your images. Please continue to provide your photo postcards. We are enjoying them immensely!
Thank you, Audrey. I am delighted to be added to this. What quality content!
Hi Audrey,
This is the first time that I have gotten your postcard. It’s wonderful. Thank you so much! Are you in South Africa now? How do I get the previous postcards? I’d like to see them all. I miss seeing you and Fran too.
Lot of Love, Ruth
Wonderful, as usual!
That blue sandy anenome is spectacular – of course your photo captures every nuance in its color like no other!
Francesca Carlin, my 13 year old granddaughter is enjoying doing colored pencil pictures of your stunning images. Thank you, Audrey,
We are enjoying your postcards.
I have forwarded your link to my daughter and daughter in law so they can share with all four of our grandkids .
Thank you Xo