ePostcard #153: Extinction Matters

ePostcard #153: Extinction Matters

ePostcard #153: Extinction Matters Illustration Credit: Woolly Mammoth painting courtesy of artist Mauricio Anton and Ecology Letters. DOI: 10.1111/ele.13911. UNDERSTANDING EXTINCTION Ask any child to name an extinct animal, and most will tell you the name of their...
ePostcard #152: Humans and Megafauna

ePostcard #152: Humans and Megafauna

ePostcard #152: Humans and Megafauna Photo Credit: Courtesy of José Iriarte. ROCK ART EVIDENCE Dateline: December 3, 2020. A major discovery at the archeological site of Cerro Azul in the Serranía La Lindosa, Colombia, provides proof that the Amazon rainforest’s...
ePostcard #151: The Armadillo Bestiary

ePostcard #151: The Armadillo Bestiary

ePostcard #151: The Armadillo Bestiary Photo Credit (above): Courtesy of Fernando Trujillo for IUCN. The Giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus) is one of the largest species of armadillos, and ranges in length from 2 to 3 feet. It is easily recognizable due to its...
ePostcard #150: Darwin’s Megafauna

ePostcard #150: Darwin’s Megafauna

ePostcard #150: Darwin’s Megafauna ‘It is impossible to reflect without the deepest astonishment, on the changed state of this continent. Formerly it must have swarmed with great monsters, like the southern parts of Africa, but now we find only the tapir,...
ePostcard #149: A Naturalist’s Bookshelf

ePostcard #149: A Naturalist’s Bookshelf

ePostcard #149: A Naturalist’s Bookshelf Photo Credits: All photos courtesy of Audrey DeLella Benedict and they were taken on Cloud Ridge Naturalists trips. These are Red-Legged Cormorants at their nest on a cliff near Puerto San Julian in Argentine Patagonia....