by Audrey Benedict | Sep 12, 2020 | ePostCards
ePostcard #99: Strait Through: Magellan’s Voyage (Part V) ePostcard #99: Strait Through: Magellan’s Voyage (Part V) By Magellan’s calculations, the expedition was months behind schedule. They should have found the strait by now and been on their way to...
by Audrey Benedict | Sep 3, 2020 | ePostCards
ePostcard #98: There Be Giants: Magellan’s Voyage (Part IV) ePostcard #98: There Be Giants: Magellan’s Voyage (Part IV) We rejoin Magellan’s Armada de Molucca in late February as it continues south along the coast of Argentina in search of the elusive...
by Audrey Benedict | Sep 1, 2020 | ePostCards
ePostcard #97: False Passage: Magellan’s Voyage (Part III) ePostcard #97: False Passage: Magellan’s Voyage (Part III) Magellan wasn’t bluffing when he told Spain’s King Charles that he absolutely knew where to find the strait. Although his plans were...
by Audrey Benedict | Aug 27, 2020 | ePostCards
ePostcard #96: Magellan’s Voyage (Part II) ePostcard #96: Magellan’s Voyage (Part II) Sea Passage to Rio de Janeiro It was only the first leg of the voyage and the Armada de Molucca had already weathered 60 days of furious and unrelenting storms at sea....
by Audrey Benedict | Aug 25, 2020 | ePostCards
ePostcard #94: Magellan’s Voyage into the Unknown (Part I) ePostcard #94: Magellan’s Voyage into the Unknown (Part I) Ferdinand Magellan (Fernão de Magalhães In Portuguese) was only 12 years old when Christopher Columbus landed in the New World. Born into...