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ePostcard #100: Celebrating Magellanic Clouds

ePostcard #100: Celebrating Magellanic Clouds

ePostcard #100: Celebrating Magellanic Clouds #1. Photo Credit and Caption: Y. Beletsky (LCO)/ESO. The VISTA (the acronym for Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) is the most famous telescope at the Paranal Observatory. The observatory is located on...

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ePostcard #96: Magellan’s Voyage (Part II)

ePostcard #96: Magellan’s Voyage (Part II)

ePostcard #96: Magellan's Voyage (Part II) Sea Passage to Rio de Janeiro  It was only the first leg of the voyage and the Armada de Molucca had already weathered 60 days of furious and unrelenting storms at sea. The men were exhausted, much of the expedition’s food...

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ePostcard #92: The Age of Discovery

ePostcard #92: The Age of Discovery

ePostcard #92: The Age of Discovery   Modern exploration had to be an adventure of the mind, a thrust of someone’s imagination, before it became a worldwide adventure of seafaring….The pioneer explorer was one lonely man thinking. —Daniel Boorstin, The...

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ePostcard #87: Charles Darwin, Geologist

ePostcard #87: Charles Darwin, Geologist

ePostcard #87: Charles Darwin, Geologist Credit: Charles Darwin’s portrait was painted in 1840 by George Richmond, four years after he returned from the Beagle voyage.  Charles Darwin took his boyhood love of collecting pebbles, his astonishing geologic fieldwork...

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ePostcard #84: Mystery of the Curious Wolf

ePostcard #84: Mystery of the Curious Wolf

click images to enlargeePostcard #84: Mystery of the Curious Wolf  Charles Darwin regarded the Falkland Island wolf as a compelling biological mystery to be solved, and his observations would set the stage for what would become one of the most amazing natural history...

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